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2020-08-15| 发布者: 广德百科网| 查看: 144| 评论: 3|来源:互联网

摘要: 2020年迪拜拍卖精品推荐----光绪元宝.民国三年袁大头...


[Tibet. Recommendation] column for the strong dissemination effect of the collection to recommend to buyers the selected art treasures by experts at the first level of national appraisal, to bridge the gap for Tibetans, so that the value of thousands of art treasures are excavated and valued, and high-priced transactions can be concluded in the auction.

【名 称】:光绪元宝.民国三年袁大头

【藏 品 类 型】:杂项

【藏 品 信 息】:直径:39.2*2mm 重:26.27g/27.3g

【藏 品 年 代】:清代/民国


Guang Xu Yuanbao was one of the currency circulating in Guang Xu period of Qing Dynasty. Zhang Zhidong, governor of Guangdong and Guangzhou, first introduced the British coin machine to cast silver and copper yuan, and then the provinces followed suit, with 19 provincial bureaus casting. Guang Xu years cast a series of silver coins, but Beiyang Guang Xu Yuanbao is not easy to use in circulation, so the casting amount is extremely rare, more precious.Guang Xu 29(AD 1903) in July, the Qing government formulated the "rectification of the won law "10 articles, which proposed that the silver coins made exclusively by the Mint General Factory, retained Nanyang (Jiangnan), Beiyang, Guangdong, Hubei four branches. At that time, it was generally advocated to implement the silver standard system first, and under this premise, it produced the "two-yuan dispute ". Some people advocate that silver yuan should be one or two, others advocate that seven dollars should be divided, that is, yuan should be taken as the unit.


Although this "Beiyang storehouse flat seven cents two points" has the partial wear, but the package pulp old way, the quality is complete, the history leaves the trace clearly to be visible, now the market "Beiyang makes the Guang Xu Yuan Bao" is many as the cow hair, but the real product is few, therefore has a real product "Beiyang makes the Guang Xu Yuan Bao" is each ancient coin enthusiast's dream quality, It has high collection value.



Silver Yuan originated in the 15th century and began in Europe. Silver Yuan is imported, it first entered China, about the Ming Dynasty, but a large inflow, after the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. On the market there are such as three sails, bamboo, Gan Jian Yuan Da Tou and other relatively small bank. Among them, the most widely spread, the most influential, the most surviving species of cosmetics can be counted as Yuan Shifang head image, commonly known as "Yuan Dadou Silver Yuan ". "The Chinese People's Republic of China three years Yuan Da Tou ", straight cm.3.9 On the front of Yuan Shi, engraved with "three years of the Republic of China ", on the back The pattern is a cross between two rice ears, the center of the word "one" sample. Because it is physical currency, it is based on people's recognition of your metal, as well as a strong sense of historical and cultural identity, so there are not a few people in the collection. "Yuan Da Tou "'s ability to change is better than that, this is one of the factors that collectors are optimistic about! Yuan Da Tou represents the modern currency culture of China, reflects the rise and fall of China's modern history, economy and finance, and has high artistic value and cultural relic value, as well as certain function of maintaining and appreciating value. At present, the number of "Yuan Da Tou" retained by the people is not too much, and the collection risk is relatively high in precious metals  Small, very suitable for investment and collection.


After the Revolution of 1911, Yuan Shikai issued this kind of coin in order to solve the military expenditure problem at that time and to improve his political status. And its name comes from because the silver coins are all his portraits. Some people say that the appearance of the coin was the inevitable result of the special background at that time, so it also has certain historical significance. Among the many silver coins, the silver coin is a worthy leader, so collectors are also more concerned about the price trend of the coin. If you want to choose the right silver coin to collect, then, to ensure that you can enjoy it in the future  There is a large room for appreciation, it is recommended to choose the appropriate Yuan head to start

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