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2021-04-17| 发布者: 广德百科网| 查看: 144| 评论: 3|来源:互联网

摘要: 康熙帝在位六十一年,因为当时社会相对比较稳定,经济发展很快,商品交换、货币经济也非常发达,而制钱之事...


Emperor Kangxi was in power for 61 years, because the society was relatively stable, the economy developed rapidly, the commodity exchange and the monetary economy were also very developed, and the making of money was related to the dignity of the imperial court. In such an environment, Emperor Kangxi also made it very respectable. Therefore, Kangxi's money was made very exquisitely, very orderly, with beautiful and generous characters, large casting quantity, and a large variety It's also very rich.


藏品尺寸:直径:27.2mm 重:3.8g

Collection name: Kangxi Tongbao

Collection size: diameter: 27.2mm weight: 3.8g


Brief introduction: This is a round square hole bronze coin of Kangxi Tongbao Beining. It takes the shape of a round sky and a place, and takes the essence of righteousness. The four characters of "Kangxi Tongbao" are directly read on the face of the coin, and the black dragon is engraved forcefully; the strokes are straight, free and easy, and the overall layout of the font is dignified. The back of the coin is engraved with Chinese characters, and the Kangxi Tongbao Beining edition is rare, with clear and beautiful handwriting. The whole coin was made of refined copper. The appearance is perfect, very delicate, thick and warm, the font is dignified, and the strokes are mellow and neat. It is a rare boutique with high collection value and appreciation space.


"Sichuan ruibosheng is a comprehensive operation company integrating online and offline art exhibition, cultural exchange and art appreciation. With the business purpose of" absorbing Chinese wisdom, carrying forward Chinese spirit and creating Chinese value ", it leads Chinese culture to the world with forward-looking vision, positive planning and operation ability and pioneering spirit.

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